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Below you will find live links to various topics that affect our lives. The links on this site are for informational purposes and are not meant as endorsements of the points of view contained therein. It is updated and expanded regularly so visit often. It is easy to lose track of time once you dive into the rabbit hole and begin exploring the information contained in these sites, so be sure and come up for air once in a while. Good luck!

21st Century Wire


ABC News

The Able Archer 83 Sourcebook

Activist Post

Africa News


All Gov

Alliance of the Libertarian Left

The Alliance for Self-Directed Education



Alasdair Macleod: Finance and Economics

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Enterprise Institute

American History Timeline

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)

American National Election Survey (ANES)

The American Presidency Project

The American Prospect

Amnesty International

The Anti Media

Arab News

Armstrong Economics

Ars Technica


Asia Pacific Daily

Asia-Pacific Perspective

The Aspen Institute

Associated Press

The Atlantic

The Atlantic Council

Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections


Basic Income Earth Network

Bank for International Settlements


Biosafety Scanner


Black Box Voting

Blacklisted News

The Black Vault

Blacklisted News


Boiling Frogs Post

Boston 1775

The Brad Blog

Brandon Turbeville

Breakthrough Energy Movement

Brennan Center for Justice

The BRICS Post

The Burning Platform

Catholic Journal

CATO Institute

Center for American Progress

Center for Corporate Policy

Center for Media and Democracy

The Center for Public Integrity

Center for a Stateless Society

Center for the National Interest

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Channel NewsAsia

Chateau Heartiste

China Matters (Peter Lee)

Christian Science Monitor

CIA World Factbook

The Claremont Review of Books

Climate 4 You

Climate Audit

Climate Etc. (Judith Curry)



Columbia Journalism Review


Committee to Protect Journalists

Community Currency

Complete 9/11 Timeline

Congressional Budget Office

Constantine Report

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The Cook Political Report

The Corbett Report

Corp Watch

Council on Foreign Relations

Counter Currents

Counter Punch

Cultural Survival

Crash Course

Creative Commons

CREST CIA Archive (FOIA Database)

Crooked Cucumber




Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

The Dangerous History Podcast

Dan Sanchez

Dark  Journalist

DC Bureau/Public Education Center

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Democracy Now

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Underground


The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

Dig Within


Dissident Voice

Dollars & Sense

The Duran

Economic Policy Journal

The Electric Sky

The Electric Universe Theory

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Environmental Working Group

Espionage History Archive

The Event Chronicle

Everythings Electric

Ezili Danto (Haiti News)

F. William Engdahl

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)

FBI Vault (9/11 FOIA Database)

The Federalist

The Fifth Column

Financial Survival Network

Financial Times

The Fiscal TImes

Foundation for Critical Thinking

Foundation for Economic Education

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy Journal

Fort Russ

Forum Borealis

Fox News

Frank Smyth

The Free Thought Project

Freedom's Phoenix


From The Wilderness

Fukushima Update

Genetic Rights Foundation

George Webb

Global Environmental Energy Technology

Global Issues

Global Public Square

Global Research

The Global Warming Policy Forum

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

The Green Market Oracle

Greg Palast

The Guardian

Guerilla News

Gulf News

Guns and Butter


Hagmann & Hagmann Report

Harvard Open Courses

The Heartland Institute

The Heritage Foundation


The Hill

History Channel

History Commons

Hoax Busters Call

Hudson Institute

Huffington Post

Human Genetics Alert

Human Rights Watch

Ice Age Farmer

In These Times

Inconvenient History

The Independent

Independent Journal


InPower Movement

Inquiry Institute

InSight Crime

Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture

Institute for Historical Review

Institute for Justice

Institute for Research Middle Eastern Policy

Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP)

Integrity Research Institute

Intelligence Squared


The Intercept

Interesting Times

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)

The International Forecaster

The International Reporter

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Internet Archive


James Perloff

Jay’s Analysis

Jewish Virtual Library

John Birch Society

Jon Rappoport

Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph Plummer

Journal of 9/11 Studies

Judicial Watch


Khaled Iskef



L. Fletcher Prouty

Land Destroyer Report

Landscapes and Cycles

Leak Project

LBJ Tapes on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Letters and Politics

Liberty Blitzkrieg

The Library of Economics and Liberty

London Review of Books

Long War Journal

Los Angeles Times

Macro Trends Economic Data

Marianas Variety

Market News International

Market Watch

Maverick Science

Media Education Foundation

Media Matters

Media Monarchy

Memory Hole

Mises Institute

MIT Open Courses

MIT Technology Review

Mohamad Ali

Molinari Institute

Money As Debt

Moon of Alabama

Mother Jones




The Municipal Machiavelli

Naked Capitalism

Narco News

The Nation

The National Interest

National Lawyers Guild

National Priorities Project

National Public Radio (NPR)

The National Review

National Security Archive

National Urban League

Natural News

Natural Society

NBC News

The New American

New Eastern Outlook

New Economics Foundation

The New Great Game

The New Republic

The New York Review of Books

The New York Times

New Zealand Herald


News and Letters Committees

Next News Network

Nina Kouprianova

No More Fake News

No Tricks Zone

Non-Aligned Media

Novorossia Today

Of Two Minds (Charles Hugh Smith)

Oil Price

OpEd News

Open Culture

Open Secrets

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Oriental Review

Our Interesting Times



Paul Grignon

Payvand Iran News

The Peter B. Collins Show

Philosophy of Metrics

The Political Compass


Porkins Policy Review

Positive Money

Press For Truth


Privacy Rights Clearing House

Project Syndicate

Project Vote Smart

Pro Publica

The Progressive

Project Implicit

Pub Peer

Public Banking Institute

Public Citizen

Public Intelligence Blog

Quadrant Online


RAND Corporation

Rational Wiki

Real Clear Politics

The Real Strategy

Redefining God


Reporters Without Borders


Republican National Committee

Retraction Watch


Right Question Institute

Roll Call

Rumor Mill News

Russia Insider

Russia Today (RT)

The Rutherford Institute

The Saker

School Sucks Project

Scott Horton

Secret Space Program

Seeking Redress

SGT Report

Shadow Government Statistics

Shadow Proof/Fire Dog Lake

Sharmine Narwani

Shoestring 9/11

Signs of the Times

Sinister Forces

Small Wars Journal

South Front

Soul of the East

Spitfire List

Sputnik International

Spy Culture

The Starburst Foundation

Statistic Brain

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Strategic Culture

Stratfor Global Intelligence

Süddeutsche Zeitung International (SZ)

Sustainable Economies Law Center

Syria Solidarity Movement

Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)

Talking Points Memo

TASS Russian News Agency

Tax Policy Center

Tax Wall Street Party


Technocracy News

Teen Take

The Telegraph

The Tenth Amendment Center

The Thunderbolts Project



Tragedy and Hope

Transparency International

True Activist


Truth Frequency Radio

Truth In Media


The Truth Seeker (Kurt Nimmo)

Truth Stream Media


United Nations

Unity of The Polis

The Unz Review



U.S. Data and Statistics

U.S. Government Spending

US Uncut

Vanessa Beeley



Voltaire Network


Waking Times

The Wall Street Journal

War Is Boring

The Washington Post

Washington's Blog

Watts Up With That?

Wayne Madsen Report


Web of Debt (Ellen Brown)

Webster Tarpley

The Weekly Standard



WikiLeaks CIA Archive (Vault 7)


World Affairs

The World Bank

World Economic Forum

World History Timeline I

World History Timeline II

World Policy Journal

World Resources Institute

Z Communications

Zero Anthropology

Zero Hedge









































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